Designer: Joan Gaspar

Joan Gaspar continues his collaboration with Serralunga through the development of new symmetrical pots, featuring the same spirit and characteristics as the Lluna garden planters.

The new pieces are produced in response to the need to reorganise outdoor living spaces with various options. In this way, Gaspar has re-thought Lluna, complementing the horizontal piece with two vertical versions: Lluna Plena and Lluna Nova.

Luna Plena is taller and can be adapted from a horizontal shape to a vertical shape. Lluna Nova, on the other hand, is shorter to fit easily into small spaces. Two incredible pieces of outdoor patio furniture.

This has allowed Lluna to maintain its status as the best solution, able to make the most of spaces, break out of aesthetic composition and simply define spaces. This makes it easy to find the best way to use the product, whether arranged in a straight line and/or in combination, to enjoy garden design. Extremely versatile elements that combine a pot and a light in a single, striking piece of furniture with a sophisticated style. This creates elegant architectural barriers that function both as decorative floral elements and as lighting.

These products will make a difference to any setting due to their see-through aspect. These items are ideal for terraces, public places and even on the poolside. Used individually, either inside or outside buildings, these items are perfect for use as entrance lights and/or to section off closed or private areas.