
Designer: Lucie Koldova Studio

The outline of the light resembles the classic typology of a table lamp, which has always been a companion to humans during evening sessions. The archetypal silhouette in a purity-of-form concept has an opening with a double-sided light source in an aluminium fixture. The flat source casts its light gently in two directions, upwards and downwards into the glass base, creating intimate atmospheric effects. The two sizes are available in transparent, brown, smoke grey, or opaline glass. The intensity of the experience can be modulated thanks to an integrated dimmer. The shape of the mantle, which serves as the shade and base in one, evokes a sense of levity and loftiness. A specialized method of glassblowing is needed to create the mantle as a single piece. The overall appearance of the light emphasizes the idea that beauty lies in simplicity.

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