Zoe Outdoor Rug

Designer: Paola Lenti

Rug for exterior and interior environments produced by winding up a round cord. The rug is available in three versions: - spiral-like modules of around cm 30 x 30, which are sewn together in order to obtain a non-orthogonal geometric sequence, only one colour can be chosen. - spiral-like modules of around cm 30 x 30 orthogonally sewn together and completed, handmade designs are inserted in the spaces between the modules, two colours can be chosen - the colour of the modules and the colour of the design. - a single spiral which can reach a maximum diameter of cm 500, only one colour can be chosen. The round rug can be also produced with a contrasting border: two colours can be chosen for Rope, Aquatech or Twiggy cord. Upon request, it is possible to create rugs joining round modules with custom dimensions into personalized configurations.

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