Persian Colors

Designer: Nani Marquina

The rugs in this collection are chromatically composed of tonalities from the natural environment: pollen, moss, scarlet and charcoal.

Tradition and craftsmanship are the primary inspiration of this collection of flexible, soft and bright rugs that are also simple and plain. Persian Colors rugs are knitted with Persian knot and hand spun Afghan wool through a laborious manual process that enriches the fabric providing a texture of extreme softness. Each thread, each knot, transports us to the universe and the origin of rugs.

The Persian knot is an essential element of Persian art and culture. Its origin comes from the nomadic tribes of Persia, where carpets were a necessary asset of the people to protect themselves from the winter and, often, marked the limits of their houses in the desert.

Craftsmanship and millenary Persian weaving tradition are undoubtedly the basis of this collection, claiming to return to the basics and enjoy the small details of life. Because the collection is hand spun, the colors of the rugs are irregular and transfer the value of manual and ancestral techniques.

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